Wednesday, August 12, 2015

This week...

Give this a try:

Deadlift refresher video HERE 

9 deadlifts
800m run
12 deadlift
400m run
15 deadlift
200m run

Share your times!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Much to my Surprise....

A little birdie has informed me that some of you are still faithfully following this blog and -RE-DOING, the workouts I programmed long ago! I'm so flattered! But also, equally embarrassed that I have not given you any new material. Luckily, I can fix that today!

But first some updates! In my last post I had told you that I was starting a new blog.... that never kicked off now did it? I lost steam almost as immediately as I started it. Part of me felt a bit silly, and at a loss... who starts a blog anyway? Isn't it somewhat of a self-absorbed notion, to assume that people just want to read about YOU and what you do???  I felt immediate writers block and motivation. I also figured that you all would move on and find somewhere else to find your workout goodness.....But not you, my faithful friends! Let me know what you've been doing and what kind of amenities the new set up at the PAC has to offer.

In other updates, I've started coaching again at a gym in my neighborhood, South Riding CrossFit. You're all welcome to come join me Tues/Thursday nights or on the weekends! Send me a note if you plan to come out sometime, I'd love to see you!

So for a nice little workout, give this one I did on Sunday a shot and send me your thoughts/ feeback:

5x3  (5 sets of 3 reps) Back squat (

then: Alternating EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute)
push press x6
pull ups x6

then 3 rounds of:

10 x front rack walking lunges (try empty barbell or 15 lb dumbells)
20 x kettle bell swings
30 x sit ups


Monday, November 3, 2014


Hello all! Subscribe to my new site:

Tuesday's Workout also posted below:

10 kbs
30 push ups
15 KBS
25 push ups
20 kbs
20 push ups
25 kbs
15 push ups
30 kbs
10 push ups

7 kettle bell high pulls

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pre Halloween Workout

Hello all!
I'm sure many of you believe I have forgotten you. But I haven't! I've been AWOL, but I'm not gone just under reconstruction.  More info coming soon. 

For now:
E2MOM 20
8 push press
8 burpees
8 sit ups